MURDER MYSTERY 2: Dupe Script – 2024

The MM2 Dupe Script for Murder Mystery 2 is a leaked script that claims to duplicate items like knives and guns in the game. It has gained attention for its potential to exploit the game’s systems, but players are warned to act quickly as these script tend to be patched within a day.

Be cautious while using such script as they often come with risks of being fake or harmful.

	WARNING: Heads up! This script has not been verified by ScriptBlox. Use at your own risk!
local WeaponOwnRange = {

local DataBase, PlayerData = getrenv()._G.Database, getrenv()._G.PlayerData

local newOwned = {}

for i,v in next, DataBase.Item do
 newOwned[i] = math.random(WeaponOwnRange.min, WeaponOwnRange.max) -- newOwned[Weapon]: ItemCount

local PlayerWeapons = PlayerData.Weapons

game:GetService("RunService"):BindToRenderStep("InventoryUpdate", 0, function()
 PlayerWeapons.Owned = newOwned

game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.Health = 0 


1. Click COPY button for auto copy script
2. Paste the script into your script application
3. Run and done

With these simple steps, players can quickly and easily use the script to improve their Roblox game experience.

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