UNIVERSAL: Chat Spammer – Script

In the vast world of ROBLOX, players often seek ways to enhance their gaming experience. One such method involves using chat spammer scripts, which automate the sending of messages in the game’s chat system.

While these scripts can be entertaining, it’s essential to understand their functionalities and the potential consequences of their use.

local settings = {
   AutoChat_Time = 1,
   AutoChat_Delay = 1,
   AutoChat = true,

local chatrem = game.ReplicatedStorage.DefaultChatSystemChatEvents.SayMessageRequest

while task.wait(settings.AutoChat_Time) do
    chatrem:FireServer('PUT YOUR MESSAGE HERE', "All")
    print("Sent Message")


1. Click COPY button for auto copy script
2. Paste the script into your script application
3. Run and done

With these simple steps, players can quickly and easily use the script to improve their Roblox game experience.

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